Seed to cup


Coffee grows equatorially between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The coffee plant produces brightly colored fruit called cherries. Inside each cherry are two seeds referred to as "beans." The exception is the Peaberry, a mutation with only one seed. The raw coffee is green until we roast it to its final brown hue. Coffee is divided into two main species in the genus Coffea, Robusta, and Arabica. Arabica is sweeter and more complex. Arabica grows at high elevations, and the cherries ripen slowly and sporadically. This requires that each cherry be hand-picked. Arabica originally grew wild in Ethiopia and traveled to the rest of the world through Yemen. Lately, people in specialty coffee have been experimenting with high-quality robustas and untraditional species like Liberica and Eugenioides.



Arabica coffee started to spread around the world in the mid-1700s. It originated in Africa and traveled to the rest of the world from there. Most current varieties of coffee are descended from the varieties Typica and Bourbon. In the mid-20th century, breeders began creating new cultivars less susceptible to weather or disease, such as coffee leaf rust. New low-caffeine cultivars like Laurina and Aramosa have recently been developed.

Variety - class under species that identifies genetic makeup
Varietal - a term that identifies a product made from a variety
Cultivar - a word for plants created through cross-breeding



The cherries are dried in the sun with the seeds intact. Naturals are typically fragrant and sweet with pronounced fruit notes. This process requires less water, making it a sustainable processing method.

Honey, Pulped-natural, Semi-washed
Different amounts of fruit are removed from the seed before drying. The drying process varies with other hybrids. Hybrids are sweet and juicy with gentle fruit notes and balanced acidity.

The fruit is milled from the seed. Seeds are then fermented to break down any remaining mucilage. Then, they are rinsed clean and dried. Washed coffees have vibrant acidity and balanced flavors in the cup.

Producers are using exciting techniques to bring out wild flavors in coffee. Examples include anaerobic fermentation, carbonic maceration, yeast inoculation, and even adding fruit in fermentation.



The higher you go up the mountain, the more dynamic coffee tends to taste. This has much to do with the growing conditions as you climb the mountain. Low-grown coffees experience more heat and less cloud cover, so they ripen faster. Coffees grown at higher altitudes see cooler temperatures and more sporadic cloud coverage. This increases the time it takes for the cherries to ripen. This slower maturation leads to more complex flavors in the cup.



Great coffee starts with great producers. Coffee doesn't get any better than when it leaves the farm. The rest of the supply chain is entrusted to preserve the quality of the coffee. Sourcing seasonally enables us to offer coffees at the peak of their potential. We taste dozens of samples before we source a coffee. Then we develop its ideal profile. This model celebrates the farmer's hard work and establishes relationships built on trust all the way to your cup.



Dynamic flavor is not inherent in green coffee – it's latent. We carefully craft our roast profiles to unlock each coffee's maximum potential. We celebrate coffee's character, sweetness, and body while avoiding any caustic flavors you find in dark roasts. We want to freak you out with how good the coffee tastes. So we don't buy or sell any coffee we're not totally bananas over.



When we speak about the complex flavors of coffee, we often compare it to chocolate or wine. While all of these products are delicious, with coffee, the end-user actively participates in the supply chain. You'll need the know-how to unlock the fantastic flavor locked inside the coffee. We've whipped up some handy brew guides to help you get started. Armed with these and the info on the pro tips page, you'll soon be on the path to coffee nirvana. BREW GUIDES



Scientists have identified over 900 volatile flavor compounds in coffee. So, there's a ton happening in your cup. It can be overwhelming. That's why we've added some basic flavors we taste in each coffee on our bags. They will let you know what to expect and help you pick the perfect coffee dance partner for your tongue. So check out each coffee and see what floats your boat.