The French press is known for a dense, sweet, and heavy cup. Classic immersion brews taste great - just be careful not to over-extract.

More brew tips here: PRO TIPS

Burr grinder
French Press
Scale w/ timer
Any old kettle

Recipe: 40g coffee : 600g water
Grind: medium
Time: 5:00

1. Preheat w/ hot water
2. Discard water
3. Place press on scale
4. Add 40g ground coffee
5. Tare scale & start timer
6. Slowly pour 600g water
7. At 1:00, gently dunk grinds *
8. Place plunger on press
9. At 4:30, remove plunger
10. Skim frothy stuff off top
11. Place plunger on press
12. At 4:45, slowly plunge **
13. Decant entire brew ***
14. Pour into mug & enjoy!

* Use spoon to gently submerge all grounds.
** Don’t plunge hard, just to the surface of the grinds.
*** Don't let your brew sit in the press after plunging. Pour it into another vessel to avoid further extraction.